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Duo Maxwell Trilingual

"Ore wa Duo. Duo Maxwell.
Nigemo, kakuremo, surunda, uso wa iwanai.
Duo Maxwell da."*

"I'm Duo. Duo Maxwell.
I might run and hide, but I never tell a lie.
That's me in a nutshell."

"Je m'appelle Duo. Duo Maxwell.
J'ai peut-être fait les quatre cents coups dans ma vie.
mais pour r�sumer, je suis plutôt un bon gars."

*) With reservation for spelling errors in the Japanese romaji version.

All quotes transcribed from "Gundam Wing DVD Operation 3". Romaji version spelling based on the version used in the fanfic "Actually" at "Mobile Suit Gundam Wing" © 1995 Sunrise & Sotsu Agency.

© 2003
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